Content is Everywhere…When Your Mind is Open to it.

 In Content Planning, Organizational Change

This morning I started work with my normal routine…checking email, a little social networking, etc. I noticed an interesting post on the Content Strategy LinkedIn group, so I read it and started to respond. The topic was something that I know a lot about, so my response turned into several paragraphs. Before posting it, I realized that my response would probably make a good blog post. I quickly popped open Divvy, scrolled down to the Add New Content widget, copy/pasted my response and parked it. Bam…A new potential blog post that I can easily come back to later.

The main idea here is that this situation probably happens multiple times per day within your organization. Your staff is constantly answering emails, talking with customers, and perhaps even contributing to social networks. How much of that might be usable content? When you and your staff start getting into more of a publisher mindset, you might be surprised how easily it becomes to source new content ideas and create the content itself. It may be staring you in the face.

Here’s a Video Recap

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My advice

Send this to your team. Help them get into this mindset. Remind them to recognize and capture these moments. The more they do it, the easier it gets. When everyone is in this mindset, you will never run out of content. Oh, and don’t worry about covering the same topics over and over.


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