The Great Dashboard Debate: Filtering vs. Drag-and-drop Layout

 In New Features & Fixes

Nick Mallare - CTOHi! My name is Nick and I’m the CTO at DivvyHQ. I’ve been with Divvy a little over a year and I’ve spent my first 12 months getting our development team reorganized, our product team and development teams in sync and working to get our development life cycle working efficiently.

I wanted to take a moment to give everybody an update as we move forward with our Divvy 3.0 (as we have called it internally) redesign. Honestly, this is more like Divvy 45; however, long before I started here we went with Divvy versions based off of major redesigns. So, we decided to continue with that theme.

We put an emphasis of usability on the new Divvy 3.0. Within the dashboard we are making better use of space, and among other things, will no longer require users to click the right arrow to see their assigned Production Tasks. All of the important information is always visible. And building on the importance of usability, we wanted to reach out to our users to help solve an internal battle within Divvy’s product team.

So, back in December we asked you an important question. Which of these two major features would you rather see first for the first DivvyHQ dashboard? The ability to filter your dashboard or the ability to customize the size and position of widgets? We are happy to share that filtering will be released along with the new redesigned Dashboard; however, for those wanting layout customizations we haven’t forgotten about you! We will still be releasing that feature in the near future. Here is the final (razor thin) result:

Final Voting Tally

Divvy 3.0 as a whole will bring some much needed usability improvements to our platform. We have a backlog of requests, both from our own usage and yours, which will be included in the first phase of the redesign and with future releases. We were really happy with the outcome of garnering feedback from you, our users. So, be on the lookout for more opportunities to put your stamp of approval on new Divvy features and buckle up for a completely new and revamped DivvyHQ in 2017!

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