What Content Is Ripe for Repurposing? 10 Steps to Find Out

Imagine if every piece of content you created could reach new audiences without starting from scratch. This is possible through content repurposing.

In digital marketing, repurposing content is essential. By reusing your best content, you can boost your ROI, improve your SEO, and expand your reach.

But how do you decide which content to repurpose? It takes a strategic approach, and that’s where this guide comes in. We’ve outlined 10 steps to help you identify the best content for repurposing and to unlock the potential of your existing content. Let’s get into it!

1. Audit Your Existing Content

Performing a content audit involves systematically reviewing all your existing content to assess its performance and potential for repurposing. Start by defining your goals, such as improving SEO, increasing engagement, or identifying content gaps. Gather your content into a spreadsheet, noting key details like URLs, titles, formats, and performance metrics.

Several tools can help streamline this process:

  • Google Analytics: Provides data on traffic, engagement, and conversions.
  • SEMrush: Offers in-depth content analysis and identifies SEO issues.
  • Google Search Console: Gives insights into search performance, including clicks, impressions, and CTR.
  • DivvyHQ’s Content Audit Template: The templates include fields for tracking performance metrics, categorizing content types, and noting potential repurposing opportunities.

A thorough audit will help you identify which content pieces are high-performing or evergreen, setting the stage for effective content repurposing.

2. Identify High-Performing Content

Evaluate your content using key performance metrics:

  • Traffic: Look at the number of visitors each piece receives.
  • Engagement: Measure time on page, bounce rate, and social shares.
  • Conversions: Track actions taken by users, such as form submissions or purchases.

High-performing content often includes how-to guides, comprehensive listicles, and case studies that resonate well with audiences. These pieces are ideal for repurposing because they have already proven their value. By leveraging this content, you can extend their reach and impact with less effort compared to creating new content from scratch.

3. Look for Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is content that remains relevant and valuable over time. It doesn’t lose its significance quickly and can attract consistent traffic long after it’s published.

This content is valuable for repurposing because it continues to provide value without needing frequent updates. It helps maintain a steady flow of traffic and engagement, making it a reliable asset for your content strategy.

Topics such as “how to start a blog,” “tips for healthy living,” and “basic SEO strategies” are examples of evergreen content. These subjects remain pertinent and useful, making them excellent candidates for repurposing.

4. Assess Content Relevance

Evaluate whether your content is still relevant and aligns with current trends. This involves checking if the information is up-to-date and if it still resonates with your target audience’s needs. Regularly updating content can maintain its performance, as outdated content often loses its appeal.

Identify if outdated content can be refreshed with new:

  • Data
  • Insights
  • Trends

Updating old content can significantly boost its performance and SEO value. For example, adding recent statistics, incorporating new keywords, or improving the readability and structure can revitalize old posts.

A study found that 42% of businesses saw a boost in their content marketing value by updating existing content. Regular updates help keep the content relevant and engaging, ensuring it continues to drive traffic and conversions​.

5. Consider Content Format

Assess the versatility of your content formats. Some content types, like blog posts, can be easily transformed into other formats such as videos, infographics, or podcasts.

graphic highlights 11 types of content used for content marketing

Source: E2M Solutions

This flexibility allows you to reach different audience segments and maximize the content’s impact.

Here are some suggestions for repurposing different content formats:

  • Blog Posts: Convert into video tutorials, podcasts, or slide presentations.
  • Videos: Create transcripts and turn them into blog posts or social media snippets.
  • Infographics: Break down into smaller graphics for social media or detailed blog posts.

Integrating AI content creation tools like Writer can further enhance this process. Writer’s platform offers advanced AI capabilities for generating high-quality content, making it easier to create engaging posts based on your analytics findings.

6. Evaluate Audience Engagement

Look at metrics such as comments, shares, and feedback to evaluate how engaged your audience is with your content. High engagement rates indicate that the content is resonating well with the audience, making it a good candidate for repurposing.

Use data from website analytics to understand which content pieces generate the most interaction. For instance, Google Analytics can show you the pages with the highest time on page and lowest bounce rates, indicating strong engagement.

Consider direct feedback from your audience, such as comments on blog posts or social media discussions. This feedback can provide valuable insights into what topics and formats your audience prefers.

7. Leverage Social Media Analytics

A social media analytics dashboard - Divvy Analytics

Analyze how your content performs on various social media platforms. This includes tracking metrics such as likes, shares, comments, and views to understand what type of content resonates with your audience.

Identify patterns and trends in social media engagement. For example, short-form videos are currently leading the way in terms of engagement, with 67% of social media marketers planning to increase their investment in this format in 2024​. Understanding these trends can help you pinpoint which content is worth repurposing.

Use insights from social media analytics to determine repurposing opportunities. Tools like Sprout Social and Hootsuite can provide comprehensive analytics reports, helping you see which posts are performing well and why.

8. Align with Current Campaigns

Check if your content can support current or upcoming marketing campaigns. Aligning repurposed content with your ongoing campaigns ensures consistency in messaging and maximizes the impact of both your content and your marketing efforts.

Make sure your repurposed content aligns with your brand’s goals. Consistency in tone, style, and messaging is crucial for maintaining a strong brand identity across all platforms. By aligning your repurposed content with marketing campaigns, you can leverage their growing engagement to enhance your campaign’s effectiveness.

9. SEO Potential

Perform keyword research to find repurposing opportunities. Identifying keywords that your audience is searching for can help you tailor your repurposed content to meet their needs. Tools like Google Analytics and SEMrush are invaluable for this task.

Regularly updating and repurposing content can improve your site’s SEO, helping it rank higher in search engine results. For instance, companies with active blogs produce an average of 67% more leads per month than those without​.

Google Search Console, for example, provides insights into which queries bring users to your site, helping you optimize your content for better performance.

10. Plan and Execute Repurposing

Outline a step-by-step plan for repurposing your content. Begin by identifying the target audience for the repurposed content and the platforms where it will be shared. Plan the formats you will use, such as converting blog posts into:

  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Social media posts

Start with your highest-performing and most relevant content. Make sure each piece is tailored to the platform it will be published on, adjusting the tone, format, and length as needed.

For example, a detailed blog post can be broken down into a series of social media posts or a video tutorial. DivvyHQ’s content calendar can greatly aid this process by helping you schedule and track all repurposed content efficiently.

Lastly, use analytics tools to track performance metrics such as engagement, traffic, and conversions. Regularly review these metrics to determine what works best and refine your repurposing strategy accordingly.

Maximize Your Strategy Today with DivvyHQ

Repurposing content is a powerful strategy to maximize the value of your existing assets and reach new audiences. Start by auditing your content, identifying high-performing and evergreen pieces, and leveraging tools and analytics to guide your decisions. Align your repurposed content with current campaigns and SEO strategies to enhance its impact.

DivvyHQ streamlines this process with robust tools for planning, auditing, and management. Our content calendar and workflow automation help identify and repurpose valuable content efficiently. By integrating analytics and collaboration features, we ensure your repurposed content aligns with your campaigns and SEO strategies, maximizing its reach and effectiveness.

When you need a solution to streamline content repurposing with AI, automation, and custom analytics, DivvyHQ is here to help. Request a demo to see how DivvyHQ can enhance your content strategy, making it easy to identify and repurpose high-performing content efficiently.

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