An Essential Guide to Video Content Analytics for Marketing

Video content production is exploding across the globe to capture attention in a fast-moving digital world. In fact, recent numbers show that the use of video in marketing has jumped 30% in less than a decade.

Video content analytics show that video marketing has jumped from 61% to 91% in eight years.

Source: Wyzowl

So, how do you know if your videos are actually realizing results? It’s all about the data, which is why video content analytics is something your team needs to be tracking and analyzing regularly.

To help with this, we’ve put together this handy guide. You’ll have key insights and information about video analytics so you can truly measure your videos’ return on investment (ROI).

Key Takeaways:

  • Businesses that aren’t seeing a good return on video are likely not measuring its impact with analytics.
  • Rely on more than views to get a comprehensive understanding of your video content ROI.
  • Top tools for compiling video content analytics include TubeBuddy, Vidyard, Vidooly, and Divvy Analytics Video Dashboard.

Video Content Analytics Prove That the Medium Is Here To Stay

Video content has become a cornerstone of marketing efforts. Why? Two key reasons are that audiences consume it easily and often, and it provides strong ROI.

However, it’s somewhat surprising to find that the number of businesses that see video as an important part of their overall strategy has dipped slightly in recent years. That might be because a surprising 30% of businesses don’t know how their ROI from video is changing.

However, most companies see their ROI getting better or staying the same. The truth is that when you can use video content analytics to quantify the power of video marketing to leadership and other stakeholders, all barriers to entry drop.

30% of businesses don’t know the ROI from video marketing, likely because of poor video content analytics.

Source: Vidyard

Sophisticated Audiences Want to Watch Videos

It’s not just younger generations that have their eyes glued to YouTube. B2B businesses are leveraging it as well in their content planning.

Did you know video content analytics show that 92% of executives prefer video over written content for complex product explanations? That’s because busy professionals love the quick and visual way it conveys a message. Don’t hesitate to use more videos for those audiences.

Video content analytics shows that executives use videos in the buying process.

Source: B2B Video Marketing: Executive Buyers Deep Dive

Video Delivers Traffic

Content marketing is all about attracting audiences. Video does this well for many brands. In fact, recent studies show that video drives a 157% increase in organic traffic.

Furthermore, websites are more likely to rank higher in search if they include video, as it improves SEO. Also, visitors tend to spend up to 260% more time on pages with video than they do on those without it.

Video content analytics show that audiences spend more than twice as long on pages with video.

Source: Wistia

Much opportunity exists for video to deliver content marketing ROI. Still, simply creating a few videos, sharing them on social media, or placing one on your home page doesn’t necessarily equate to success.

Let’s explore the video content analytics you need for effective marketing.

These 8 Video Content Analytics Metrics Help You Determine Marketing Success

Like with every content project, you should always start with clear goals. Use the following metrics for your video marketing.


Of course, the number of views is the granddaddy of all video content analytics. This figure calculates the number of clicks on the video, wherever it lives.

Looking at views does have a few caveats, however. A “view” only means someone started the video, and what counts as a view varies by platform. Make sure you know what constitutes a view on a particular platform before you analyze this data.

Power tip: Be careful not to put too much stock in “impressions.” This is the number of times someone loaded a video and it was available to view. However, this does not mean actual views, so it’s not so helpful in defining success.


Downloads can be even more deceptive than views, as you don’t know who really watched. Still, it’s a positive sign when someone makes the effort to save your video for later. These work best as lead generators, so compare the number of downloads with other metrics, such as conversions.

3. Demographics

Views and downloads aren’t such worthwhile video content analytics if you aren’t reaching your target audience. The demographics show who you’re connecting with and give great insights into what to create for that segment in the future. Pay attention to where viewers found your video and the platforms they use to watch it for even better targeting through segmentation.

4. Play Rate

You find the play rate by dividing the number of views by the number of impressions. This metric is a good test of how well your video captures your audience’s attention.

This is especially helpful for finding out how effective your thumbnails are and testing different ideas. Here’s a quick breakdown of making thumbnails:

If you want an even deeper dive than that, head over here:

5. Engagement Rate

This stat reveals how “interesting” the video was to those who clicked. Get this number by looking at how many people were still watching the video at a certain point and dividing it by those who started watching it.

While this is granular video content analytics, it’s worthwhile for understanding how relevant and engaging the video was to your audience. The engagement rate can let you know what’s working. If engagement is low, try A/B testing with versions that have small differences.

6. Average View Duration

Make sure you calculate the average amount of time that viewers watched your video across all video views. Much like engagement rate, average view duration is a good indicator of video quality.

If the average duration is less than 10 seconds, your video’s intro or quality isn’t compelling enough. Higher durations mean your videos are delivering value and viewers are sticking around to get the goods.

Look for the exact exit points for users in a video as well. These tell you more than if the video is too long; they can show you what type of information just isn’t engaging for your audience.

7. Conversions

Did the viewer act on a call to action at the end of the video, or click a link you left for them? Conversions are some of your best video content analytics since driving actions is the point of content marketing.

Different types of conversions mean different things, however. Sometimes it’s a direct purchase, but usually, it’s just another step in the customer journey, like scheduling a demo or downloading another piece of content.

Avoid only focusing on sales as conversions, and learn how to use video content to nudge your audience through the funnel toward an eventual purchase. That includes likes, subscriptions, and clicks to your site.

Use your video content analytics to move buyers through the funnel.

Source: CrazyEgg



When users share the video on social media, you’re expanding your reach. That means more possibilities for all the other metrics. Shares are an outstanding metric because it indicates your audience’s level of trust and interest in your brand.

The Content Informs the Metrics

Remember that different types of videos will have distinct ideal metrics for video content analytics. For example, if you’re looking for virality with a video, that’s really about brand awareness. Therefore, you may care more about reach and views.

If the video is more in-depth, such as a product demo or explainer video, then you’re more concerned with play rate and engagement rate. If the video is purely promoting a specific offer, then conversions matter the most.

Successful Marketers Use These Video Analytics Tools

Most video hosting platforms have basic video content analytics right inside, including YouTube or any other social media platform. However, many other tools give you additional details and visibility.

A few that work well are:

  • TubeBuddy: It’s a free browser extension and mobile app that integrates with YouTube. It provides a wealth of information, including views, earnings, engagements, and SEO.
  • Vidyard: This tool has an analytics feature that shows view progression. It also helps you understand the audience so you can turn views into results.
  • Vidooly: This platform offers a host of features, such as benchmarking data. It also delivers a robust dashboard of AI-powered analytics.

Of course, there’s also our own Divvy Analytics Video Dashboard, available within the analytics module of our content operations platform.

Just make a quick connection to your YouTube channel, as well as your Facebook and IG accounts. Then, you’ll get real-time video performance data, including all the metrics above. You also get unique auditing and governance capabilities that many other tools don’t offer.

Divvy Analytics offers easy access to video content analytics.

Make Your Videos Successful With Easy-Access Video Content Analytics

With this guide and your chosen video content analytics solution at the ready, you can start evaluating the effectiveness of your video marketing right away. As you learn more about the performance of individual videos, you’ll get even better at attracting and converting audiences into customers.

Learn how DivvyHQ’s content operations platform makes collecting, organizing, sharing, and interpreting your video content analytics a breeze. Contact us to schedule a demo today!

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