How State Fund Serves California Employers Through a Quality Digital Experience

 In Case Studies

“We serve employers in the state of California to provide workers’ compensation insurance, make workplaces safe, and to restore injured workers when needed.”

With approximately 100,000 policyholders, more than $1 billion in premiums, and nearly $21 billion in assets, Californians rely on the security and certainty offered by the State Compensation Insurance Fund (“State Fund”) to the state’s employers, particularly the small businesses and new ventures that are key to California’s economy.

Brenda Lindley and her digital experience team carry out the organization’s mission by communicating with and educating all the stakeholders — employers, injured employees, insurance brokers, medical providers — through a complex and high-volume content distribution workflow.

Commitment to a Healthy Workplace

State Fund has been the leading provider of worker’s compensation insurance for more than a century (and it is committed to serving the employers and employees of California for at least the next 100 years)!

Not for profit and funded solely by premiums and investment income, State Fund innovates in areas such as workplace safety and injured worker care — they have a dedicated ergonomics team that goes on site to provide ergonomic evaluations and suggested solutions, as one example.

It’s not enough to provide workers’ compensation; State Fund is equally dedicated to restoring injured employees back to work.

Time Is of the Essence

“Most of the communications we deliver are time sensitive. And we are challenged with being in a highly regulated industry,” said Brenda Lindley, who leads the digital communications team. “We manage a tremendous volume of content in the form of the organization’s marketing websites, SEO, email marketing, and social media. Essentially, end to end digital experience for each of our customer groups.”

Time-sensitive communications include world and local events, such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic and the frequent California wildfires. And the content must comply withstate and federal regulatory agencies such as Cal/OSHA, the DIR (Department of Industrial Relations), WCIRB (Worker’s Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau), wildfire smoke regulations, and COVID reporting rules.

Simply put, it’s a lot. And it must be accurate and compliant.

Prior to Divvy, the content production workflow was being managed via email. Version management was difficult, as was ensuring the quality of the content throughout the review process.

“We have a rigorous review and approval process. Trying to manage it through email was not efficient. Having a structured workflow is critical for timeliness and accuracy of our content.”

— Brenda Lindley, Digital Experience Team Supervisor

The Divvy Solution

It’s all in one place. Brenda emphasizes “Our digital experience team lives in Divvy! The platform makes it easy for us to coordinate and collaborate on content.”

Feedback is tracked from each reviewer, so the workflow is faster and more efficient. In addition, comments and feedback can be viewed by all, making the review process more efficient.

Content request forms are available on the corporate Intranet, providing a centralized location for internal staff to submit digital marketing requests, and making it easy to manage the life cycle of each content item.

Updated content requests allow submitters to view the status of their request, keeping the process transparent to all stakeholders.
DivvyHQ testimonial - State Fund

What Happens After the Sale?

Brenda led the implementation of the Divvy platform. “The implementation went well,” she said. “Even for those who were resistant to change, they adopted the platform once they realized the advantages of organizing our processes this way. And Divvy’s monthly new user trainings have been effective.”

“Chandler and the entire support team are very responsive. Both during the sales process and ongoing whenever we need assistance with the platform. The Divvy team is also very receptive to feedback. They have already implemented a couple of our suggestions for new features and improvements.”

— Brenda Lindley, Digital Experience Team Supervisor

Divvy Makes Content Marketing Easier

When it comes to content process management, Divvy has been a game-changer. The same goes for client management. The platform allows for complete transparency within the digital experience team, other State Fund business partners, and internal requesters. If something is delayed or there is an update, it can easily be communicated directly with that stakeholder using the @mention feature and notifications in the client communications.

Overall, Divvy has helped the State Fund digital experience team be more efficient, more productive, and able to produce higher quality content.

Words of Advice from State Fund

“We explored several content marketing management systems. Make sure you explore that during your due diligence. Some platforms are complicated and project management oriented. Divvy is focused on content marketing for content marketers.

“State Fund has been an active and vocal Divvy client. Particularly when it comes to being heard about suggestions. And the Divvy team has been willing to listen.”

— Brenda Lindley, Digital Experience Team Supervisor

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