The Most Convenient Aspects of DivvyHQ’s WordPress Integration

If you create content online, there’s a good chance you’re using WordPress to publish it. Statistics show that this platform owns 59% of the CMS marketplace share, and that WordPress powers a stunning 42.7% of the web.

We’re not here to advise against using this popular open-source content management system. WordPress is great! We use it ourselves. It’s versatile, user-friendly and reliable.

That’s why developing a highly functional and useful WordPress integration in DivvyHQ was a priority for our team. We took our time making sure we got it right, and rolled out the new feature earlier this year.

That integration has been a big hit, with both our team and our customers. So for DivvyHQ users, or anybody considering becoming one, we thought we’d highlight some of the most convenient aspects of publishing your content through WordPress, via the Divvy interface.

Here’s How the DivvyHQ WordPress Integration Makes Your Life Easier

When talking about how DivvyHQ works and why it’s valuable, we talk a lot about “simple efficiencies.” Many of the platform’s features seem on the surface to save only a small amount of time and effort. And that’s often true… but those small amounts add up.

When you enter your content into Divvy and use the WordPress integration to push it over to the CMS, all of the data gets packaged up and sent over — including images and metadata. Even the categories you assign carry over, nesting into the WordPress framework.

There’s no need to hop back and forth top copy and paste, no need to attach files multiple times. And unlike some other CMS integrations you’ve probably used, this one works. It captures everything you need, and it doesn’t add in any weird extra code.

All in all, this will probably save you 15 to 20 minutes when pushing a single piece of content live. For high-volume teams that are churning out several pieces per week, it’s easy to see how quickly this becomes significant. And beyond the time savings, there is the tedium reduction. Let’s face it: marketers want to spend their time being creative and strategic, not going through an annoying back-and-forth process each time they publish. Cutting out the BS helps maintain sanity.

The other key benefit of this integration for which customers have expressed appreciation relates to maintenance and archiving. Once you send a post from DivvyHQ to WordPress, any changes or tweaks you make within WordPress are automatically saved back to the post in Divvy. This will continually sync up to capture any ongoing maintenance.

Considering how much editing, updating and iteration tends to occur in the content creation process, it’s easy to see why folks find this convenient. And it’s especially helpful for larger organizations that might be running three or four different WordPress blogs in siloed fashion. With all changes being written back into Divvy in real-time, the platform becomes a single source of truth. Everyone involved can be confident that when they go into DivvyHQ and click into a content item, it is up-to-date. No need for multiple approvals from the same person.

WordPress and DivvyHQ: Easy Does It

Integrating WordPress with DivvyHQ enables your team to enjoy all of our platform’s planning and management perks while still using the world’s most popular CMS to the fullest for publishing. And if you aren’t a WordPress user, you might find that the built-in content editor within DivvyHQ covers all of your bases, negating the need for any additional publishing software.

It’s all part of our overarching goal to turn DivvyHQ into to the central management hub for busy content teams. If you’d like to see for yourself how it works, get started on your free two-week trial and tool around with the WordPress integration for yourself.

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