Your enterprise content team constantly produces assets to attract and convert customers. Throughout each piece you create, there are uniform themes and blocks of content. As a result, content management can be challenging. Reusing content helps your team be more efficient, consistent, and productive, and you’ll be able to do this much better with modular content.
So, what is modular content? And what are the advantages of this approach?
What Is Modular Content?
Modular content is text or text and image combinations organized into small blocks. The purpose of developing these is to assemble different combinations of your content units for various channels, such as landing pages, social media, and pillar pages.
Modular content is a way to manage content that you can reuse and repurpose. The components can include all media types — video, text, images, and more. It enables a content operations environment that can deliver customized experiences for audiences.
You’ll be breaking content into “meaningful” chunks, which are stored separately instead of one big block of content. This process makes them more accessible for reuse. These can live in several places, such as a CMS (content management system) or content marketing platform.
So, how does modular content benefit your content team?
Modular Content Benefits
There are several advantages to applying modular content to your content planning. Let’s look at what you can gain.
Customize Experiences for Audiences
Content personalization delivers lots of value for your customers and your brand. There is significant data to back up content personalization as a winning strategy. Personalization drives people toward a purchase, and 80 percent of buyers are likelier to do so when this is in place. As a result, companies are implementing personalization strategies, and those that use them can realize an ROI of $20 per $1 spent.
While they see the value, personalization can take a lot of work to scale. Having modular content assets available makes it easier. When used in this strategy, you can:
- Improve localization for your brand.
- Enjoy more conversions because the content is more relevant.
- Reassemble your content blocks easily to create a personalized digital experience throughout the buying journey.
- Support more agility in content marketing, which is critical for any industry.
Ensure Visibility of Content “Chunks” with Metadata
Metadata offers information and context about other data. Metadata is useful for classifying, discovering, and identifying digital assets. Instead of just having your “chunks” sitting in an unknown folder on a server, leveraging metadata to define it makes it more accessible for reuse.
Metadata enables the ease of content personalization and provides your entire team with visibility of what’s existing. If modular content is a crucial part of your framework, you’ll need a robust platform that uses tagging to manage metadata. You can label these by persona, buying stage, product, industry, geography, content type, and more.
Minimize Errors and Negative Brand Exposure
Another benefit of modular content is how it can help you avoid errors and branding mistakes. Throughout your enterprise, many people are engaging with prospects and customers. To better control the “story” behind your company and products, you can leverage your approved content blocks.
From a centralized repository, salespeople, client development, customer support, and other stakeholders can deliver accurate and up-to-date content. It’s essential for any vertical, but even more so for highly regulated sectors such as healthcare and finance. In these cases, providing outdated or erroneous information could lead to noncompliance and negative brand exposure.
Modular content is the best approach to minimize the chance of errors. Constant communication with these groups about what’s available and where it is matters, and you can control the versions available through your content marketing hub.
Respond Faster to Time-Sensitive Needs of Your Clients
Agility and flexibility are critical factors in content development. As the world has learned, you must be ready to pivot. Modular content can support these objectives. You can preplan for content that may become relevant as you await a possible disruption in the industry.
You can also develop specific content in response to what may happen by audience type. Additionally, when customer-facing roles need to address the concerns of clients, you can give them access to the blocks so they don’t have to answer on their own or delay responses because they don’t have the messaging to reply.
The benefit is that you’re ready to move as the ecosystem does, and you understand customer needs and are responsive to those needs. It can increase customer loyalty and retention.
Enhance Brand Consistency and Integrity
Brand messaging consistency is vital to any successful content marketing initiative. It’s often hard to manage across a large enterprise, but not impossible. Modular content provides the framework to do so.
Content teams should own messaging with input from other stakeholders. The risk of not owning is people going rogue and coming up with their own, which can confuse your audience. You are much more likely to prevent this with modular content blocks.
Content is separate from design elements, making it easier to assemble with brand rules already in place. Such a process delivers a better way to develop sales enablement content for your sellers. They won’t be creating their own presentations or collateral that may or may not be up to brand standards. Modular content eliminates these instances and empowers your sellers with relevant, appealing content.
Reduce Content Production Costs
Finally, modular content can reduce your content production costs. It can dramatically decrease the number of one-off pieces you have to create, which costs time and money. Without these interruptions, your staff can be more productive and efficient. Your creative team can develop approved brand templates to use to personalize content for a specific audience without it becoming another thing on your employees’ plates.
Modular Content: So Many Benefits for Savvy Content Teams
Modular content is emerging as a key component for content marketing teams. You can realize many benefits, including brand consistency, production efficiency, and scalable content personalization. You’ll need technology to facilitate this, and DivvyHQ has the features and functionality to power modular content strategies. Start the journey today by scheduling a personalized demo.