Running Out of Fresh Content Ideas for Your Blog? Read This.

cialis on line Your blog is the centerpiece of your content marketing. It’s the living space where most audiences find you, so you have to keep feeding it. However, sometimes the well of ideas can run dry. Coming up with new content ideas for your blog requires a lot of work, but you can operationalize it with the right approach and stay tuned into what your buyers want.

In this post, we’ve got some inspiring approaches that can help get your content calendar booked!

Content Demand Rose, Content Supply Must, Too

Consistency in your content throughput provides more opportunities to attract and convert audiences. According to a study, B2B content consumption increased by 9% in 2021, and for C-level roles by 15.8 percent.

With more demand for content that engages and educates your buyers, you don’t have time to find inspiration. You’ll need to use a variety of strategies and tactics to keep your content machine running.

6 Content Ideas for Your Blog

Share these with your content team to guarantee you always have fresh ideas.

Mine Your Data

content ideas for your blog - mine your data

You have a tremendous amount of data regarding your content. While you look at content analytics all the time to gauge performance and conversions, revisit these stats to identify content potential.

Your most viewed blogs are a goldmine for new content, including:

  • Creating a part two or series on a specific topic, going more granular than the initial one
  • Repurposing content from one format to another, such as taking an article and turning it into an explainer video to post on your blog
  • Finding old content that needs a refresh to be timelier

Look for Ideas Based on Keywords

Using SEO best practices in your blogs helps you rank better organically. Search is a primary way that buyers begin their journey. Thus, you want to be visible here. There are two ways to ideate content based on keywords.

  • Keywords where you’re losing rankings: If you’re slipping in ranking position on keywords that historically perform well and drive traffic to your website, find a new angle for it on your blog.
  • Emerging keywords: Search terms change regularly, and you can monitor emerging keyword trends through Google Trends. Here you’ll find what the world is searching for and if those have relevance to your company and customers.

Get Topical and Timely

Blog posts can be both topical and evergreen. Topical articles take advantage of an occurrence, event, or moment that’s important to your audience. They may not be pertinent in a year, but they can sustain your throughput and be an excellent hook for attracting new customers.

You can keep up with your industry to fuel content ideas by:

  • Setting up Google Alerts for various terms, and you’ll receive a daily digest
  • Subscribing to industry publications that have the pulse on everything going on in that vertical
  • Using tools like BuzzSumo, which provides insights on what content is performing well and receiving a lot of social media engagement by searching via a keyword
  • Watching your competitors and reviewing their content library for a possible story you may have overlooked

Develop Topics Based on Product Roadmaps and Business Goals

Looking at what’s happening within your organization can be a great place to seek content for your blog. First, your content team needs to have alignment with your product or R&D teams. You should have regular communication with them about product roadmaps. Updates to existing products and new launches should be a part of your content plan. It should give ideas about new challenges to write about and how your company’s products can solve them.

Additionally, your content should run in parallel with your business goals. What aspects of these objectives can help with content ideas? An example would be entering a new market, which means a new audience. They may have differences from the ones you currently market to, and that’s good fodder for topic ideation.

Interview SMEs

content ideas for your blog - interview SMEs

Great ideas come from people outside your marketing department. You have access to internal and external SMEs (subject matter experts), so be sure you take advantage of this. Put some time on their schedule to talk about what’s happening now that matters to your customers. These meetings can yield several types of blogs, such as:

  • A Q&A with the expert that includes general trends and factors shaping the industry
  • Drilling down into big topics and hearing their perspective, which can spark ideas
  • Storytelling content written from the perspective of the SME and filled with anecdotes
  • Other thought leadership “big ideas” about the future of the landscape in which your company plays

Base Content on the Latest Research and Industry Reports

Blog content that comes from research and reports is often highly engaging. Ideally, it would be your own, original research that is fueling this effort. However, you can use third-party reports, especially if they come from highly respected industry groups.

The key here is to have your own spin on the study and make it easy to understand for your audience. It should always include takeaways for your readers, so there’s a connection between the learnings and their business.

Depending on how many topics or questions the research contains, you could create a series of blogs on each point. If it’s your research that’s gated, be sure the offer to download the full report is your CTA (call to action).

Endless Content Ideas for Your Blog Need a Home

Managing content ideas can get complicated for enterprise teams. Adding all these new topics should occur in a central repository so that they are visible and ready to feed into your content calendar and workflows. You can do that with DivvyHQ, the content marketing platform that provides you with every tool you need, from ideation to execution to distribution to measurement.

Find out how it can revolutionize your content processes by starting a free trial today.

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