Are You Listening? Our Favorite Content Marketing Podcasts

As your content marketing operation matures, you and your team might want to consider adding a podcast to your content arsenal. The reason? Even though your existing content marketing channels (blog, email, etc.) may be stellar performers, you’re missing about 30 percent of your potential audience: auditory learners.

Auditory learners remember information best through their sense of hearing — up to 75 percent, says creative executive Molly St. Louis, writing in Podcasts, therefore, are one of the best ways to reach the auditory learners among your customers and prospects. When you add a podcast to your content mix, you can expect an increase in engagement, as auditory learners digest all the information you offer.

But before you sit down with your content marketing team to develop a plan to incorporate a podcast into your content calendar, it’s a great idea to study those content marketers who rock the podcast niche. Here are some of our favorites (in no particular order).

CMI Weekly Wrap

CMI Weekly Wrap - content marketing podcasts

We’d be remiss if we didn’t kick off this list with one of our favorite content marketing podcasts, hosted by the incomparable Robert Rose, Chief Strategy Advisor for Content Marketing Institute. The CMI Weekly Wrap is CMI’s weekly podcast where Robert digs into industry news, highlights brands who are doing amazing things with content (while also critiquing many of the dumb things that they do), and goes deep into how we, as content practitioners, can do better.

This podcast is a follow up to CMI’s previous hit podcast, “This Old Marketing” that Robert and Joe Pulizzi produced for 5 years. The archive for PNR’s This Old Marketing is still available and there are some killer episodes that the DivvyHQ team goes back to occasionally for inspiration.

Content Jam

With brand storytelling becoming one of the hottest marketing strategies — and for good reason — Content Jam is a must-listen/watch. A focus on storytelling, as well as how to work SEO into the mix, propels hosts Barry Feldman and Andy Crestodina’s podcast onto our favorite, content marketing podcasts list.

Although their episodes aren’t delivered on a regular schedule, the team puts a stamp of quality on every podcast they produce, making each episode well worth waiting for. Put this on your must-hear list and learn what makes for a world-class podcast. Sign up on their website to receive notices when the podcast goes live or listen to archived episodes right on the website itself.

Marketing Over Coffee

Marketing Over Coffee - content marketing podcastsThe Marketing Over Coffee podcast is not only one of the best of all time, it also wins the award for longest-running podcast for marketers. This show, started by John Wall and Chris Penn back in 2007, is the ultimate how-to guide showing just how easy it can be to get started in the podcasting world. As the picture to the right shows, it’s just two, uber-smart marketers sitting down at a Dunkin’ Donuts talking shop. They’ve never wavered in their format and their consistency for the past 13 years is unmatched.

Chris and John dig into every marketing-related topic imaginable, from search and social, to content and analytics. And with so many episodes under their belts, they’ve provided a handy “most popular episodes” page on their website, which we would highly recommend you start with.

The DigitalMarketer Podcast

The brainchild of marketing superstars Jenna Snavely and Garrett Holmes, this weekly podcast features timely insights on how to grow your business with a kick-butt content strategy. With tips on everything from increasing online traffic to turning a crisis’ lemons into marketing lemonade, this podcast is an excellent model to inspire others to create podcasts of their own.

Marketing Nerds / Search Engine Journal Show

Marketing Nerds - content marketing podcasts

One of the podcasts our DivvyHQ team has had the privilege of participating in, Marketing Nerds is the official podcast of one of the industry’s finest publications, the Search Engine Journal. With archives available on the SEJ’s website, the weekly podcasts are accessible through Apple Podcasts as well as on Android and RSS.

True to its name, Marketing Nerds takes a deep dive into all things that relate to content marketing, including paid search, social media, SEO and all the tips you need to pump up your content strategy. Interviews with some of the world’s finest digital marketers are chock-full of insider information to help its listeners stay ahead of the latest trends. It’s a must-hear for content marketers — and an inspiration for those who want to offer a podcast of their own.

Copyblogger FM

Concentrating on upping the content creation skills of its listeners, Copyblogger FM offers tips from content marketing leaders, such as Sonia Sione, Darrell Vesterfelt, Tim Stoddart and Brian Clark. If your writing skills could use a little extra polish (and who couldn’t use a little improvement?), this podcast will help your writing shine.

Not only will Copyblogger FM help you hone your own skills, but it can also serve as a blueprint for how to do podcasts right, particularly if writing is your strong suit. Tune in on either iTunes or RSS.

Call to Action

The podcast arm of Unbounce, Call to Action delves into the scientific side of marketing, advertising and content, as well as the artistic elements. From strategy to optimization, Call to Action covers all the bases as one of the top content marketing podcasts.

Entertaining as it is informative, Call to Action brings in notable guests from the digital marketing universe to provide their unique take on industry trends. Better yet, you can incorporate some of their ideas into your own podcasts.

Duct Tape Marketing

This long-running marketing podcast (founded in 2009 — practically the Dark Ages for digital marketing) aims its reach squarely at small business marketers. However, its insights are equally valuable for businesses of all sizes. With content marketing legends like Ann Handley, Neil Patel and Guy Kawasaki as guests, Duct Tape Marketing wrote the book on how to do content marketing podcasts.

Founded by longtime content marketing expert John Jantsch, it’s one you won’t want to miss. It’s available on a variety of platforms, including iTunes, Stitcher, Android, Spotify, Google Podcasts and RSS.

The GaryVee Audio Experience

The GaryVee Audio Experience - content marketing podcasts

One of the top 100 iTunes podcasts in the world — not just the content marketing portion of it — entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk (a.k.a. Gary Vee) features episodes of his earlier series, the #AskGaryVee Show, as well as cutting-edge insights on business and marketing. Sometimes rant, sometimes fireside chat, this podcast reflects its founder’s belief: “the future will be audio- and voice-focused.”

You can catch the daily GaryVee Audio Experience on practically any podcast platform, including Castbox, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, SoundCloud, Overcast, IHeartRadio, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, ACast and Google Home. Since Vaynerchuk is one of the most prolific content producers in the business, his podcast can help you take your content production to the next level.

Marketing School

A joint effort from content marketing gurus Eric Siu and Neil Patel, the Marketing School podcast provides the same kinds of incredibly useful marketing hacks that the pair used to rise to fame via their blogs. It’s practically a university on its own — and if you’re not tuning in, you’re probably not getting the latest scoop on how you can kill it in inbound marketing.

From getting more conversions from inbound traffic to finding new high-yielding channels that can help you get your message out to more of your target audience, this podcast has it all when it comes to content marketing. It’s available on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Play, Soundclub and YouTube. If you’re looking to start a podcast of your own, the Marketing School is a great place to find a primer on how it’s done!

ProBlogger Podcast

A company’s blog is often the central pillar in their content strategy. Darren Rowse, one of the English-speaking world’s foremost authorities on blogging, covers a wide range of topics, from inspired content creation to building revenue through your blog.

In Rowse’s own words, the podcast is not “for those wanting a nice gentle passive journey.” Every episode is a challenge. For that reason alone, we’d recommend the ProBlogger Podcast — whether you’re starting your own podcast or simply want to take your blog to the next level.

Listen Up

Speaking of taking your podcast or blog — and the rest of your content — to the next level, it’s a heck of a lot easier when you have a comprehensive content marketing platform to organize it all. With our DivvyHQ 14-day free trial, you have nothing to lose and a whole lot of time to gain. Start your test drive today!

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