12 Writing Secrets to Get More People to Notice Your Content

 In Content Analytics, Content Marketing, Content Strategy

According to statistics, over 4.4 million blog posts are published every day. So it’s not a big surprise that most writers and content marketers find it challenging to get their content noticed.

If you struggle to create remarkable content and to beat the competition, this article is a must-read for you. Here you will find top writing secrets that will help you to get the reach and engagement you’ve been working so hard to achieve.

1. Choose the Topic Wisely

Do you want to boost your content marketing efforts? Try to focus on current trends. Analyze the trending topics and choose the one that resonates with your target audience the most.

If you provide readers with the information that they want to get right here and right now, you will achieve great results. You will boost reach and engagement without increasing your marketing budget.

2. Research Keywords

Yep, if you want to achieve success in content marketing, you can’t skip the research. You should research keywords using Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, or other similar tools. Your primary task is to find high-volume, low-competition keywords.

Now if you are a newbie to the SEO game, you might find it tricky to conduct keyword research. But you shouldn’t give up. Keep researching all possible options until discovering the perfect keyword.

So, why is it so important to put time and efforts into keyword research? Because if you use suitable keywords, you will double the chances to get your content to the top of Google search results.

3. Create Catchy Headlines

A good article without a catchy headline is likely not going anywhere. So if you believe that you have created a great piece of content, make sure that you have named it in the right way.

Here are a few tips on how to write an attention-grabbing headline:

  • Pick a few keywords that describe your article
  • Put the most important keyword first
  • Add “exciting” adjectives (e.g., excellent, valuable, ultimate)
  • Keep your headline short. The headline shouldn’t be longer than 12 words.

4. Write a Strong Introduction

The attention span of modern people is very short, so it’s crucially important to peak the reader’s interest from the very beginning. A compelling introduction with a good story or a few dramatic details hooks people and encourages their brains to spend time digging deeper.

“Don’t make a useless, big introduction – get to the point. Present new information and recent statistics to get people interested in the topic,” recommends Estelle Leotard, writer and contributor for IsAccurate.

5. Get Feedback From Your Readers

One of the most important elements of developing a content strategy for your company is identifying buyer personas and clearly defining their needs, interests and desires. These details make up the foundation for the topics you should cover within your content properties. But the list of topics you identify also needs to be validated in both quantitative (leveraging research and data) and qualitative (reader/customer feedback) ways.

Fortunately, we live in the digital age, and it’s not that challenging to get to know the interests and opinions of your target audiences.

To get feedback from your readers, here are a few simple tactics:

  • Review your content analytics to see which topics, categories and content formats get the most traffic
  • Survey your customers to learn which topics are most interesting
  • Run a poll on Twitter or Instagram Stories
  • Test topic popularity with a small ad or paid boost on Facebook or LinkedIn
  • Embed a poll within an email to your subscribers.

6. Write a Conclusion

Don’t forget that every article should end with a brief-yet-compelling conclusion. The last paragraph of your article should summarize the main ideas and call readers to action.

When writing a conclusion, try to explain to your readers what steps they should take after reading your article. Ask your audience to write a comment, share a post on social media, or apply the tips given.

7. Make the Text Scannable

Since the vast majority of modern users are busy people, they often don’t read full blog posts; they scan first.

If you want to make the text scannable, use large, bold headings, subheadings, and bullet points. Break your article up into chunks of ideas or sub-topics and you will likely attract more readers.

8. Use Proofreading Tools

If readers run into typos or grammar mistakes as soon as they start reading, don’t expect them to trust your content or return for more. When you work on content creation, don’t underestimate the importance of proofreading and editing.

If you don’t have a degree in English or communications, an online grammar checker is a good start. It will allow you to spot your mistakes and improve the quality of your posts and articles. I’d also recommend having another person, preferably someone with a writing/editing background, proof your work. Another set of eyes can catch much more than you realize.

9. Set the Right Tone of Voice

When it comes to content writing, it’s always important to set the right tone of voice. Depending on your brand personality, the tone of voice can be:

  • Technical or non-technical
  • Formal or informal
  • Educational or entertaining
  • Fun or serious
  • Inwardly focused or outwardly focused.

Analyze the preferences of your target audience and decide what works the best for your company.

10. Enjoy What You Do

Do you want to create remarkable content? Try to focus on the topics that you find the most interesting. And try to avoid the topics that you find boring.

Yep, the secret of effective writing is that simple. The more passionate you are about the topic and the more you enjoy the process of writing, the better content you’ll create.

“Don’t force yourself to discuss the topics that you don’t like. If you want to create masterpiece content, you should do everything with joy,” says Neightan White, writer for SupremeDissertations.

11. Be Yourself

When writing an article or social media post, don’t be afraid to be yourself. Say exactly what you want to say. Feel free to express your opinion even if it differs from the opinions of other people.

The point is that modern users get bored with bland writing. And they are looking for authentic, original content. Present a fresh point of view with colorful language and people will notice your content.

12. Be Honest With Your Readers

Building a trusted relationship with your target audience starts with you being open, honest and genuine.

Your content shouldn’t sound like a sales pitch. Never provide them with fake data. Base your articles on fresh, relevant information only. And make sure that every piece of content you create adds value to your readers.

Wrapping It Up

Now you know the writing secrets that attract new readers and keep them engaged. It’s time to apply them in your practice! Incorporate the improvements into your content marketing strategy and beat the competition.

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