Introducing DivvyHQ’s Content Marketing Template Pack – Get It Now!

You and your content operations teams will have a much straighter path to success when you have a roadmap to guide you. For most content teams, that roadmap is a documented content strategy that dictates your plan — the who, what, where, when, and how — to reach your ultimate objective.

But when you start peeling back the layers of your strategy, you expose the need for a wide variety of guides — or templates — that come in handy at different points in your process.

Today we’d like to share several of those templates that we’ve not only created and use, but battle-tested over the years. And for your convenience, we’ve packaged them up into a nice, neat package that we call the Content Marketing Template Pack.

Get DivvyHQ's Content Marketing Template Pack NOW!

Here’s how these five marketing must-haves can take your content game to a whole new level.

Make Content Planning Meetings More Productive with an Agenda Template

From beginning to end, our content planning agenda template can make the most of every second. Starting with customer stories and questions, this template immediately focuses your teams on what matters most in content planning — meeting your audience’s needs.

After you get their creative juices flowing, you’ll take your teams on a walkthrough of your content analytics, asking them for their input on how you can boost your numbers in the next batch of content. From there, you’ll move on to the process of reviewing your effectiveness in solving your target customers’ problems at all stages of their buyer’s journey through a set of detailed questions.

Then, you’ll get into examining your content categories and themes, finding ways to expand each category with pertinent content — or even expanding the range of content categories you offer. Finally, you’ll look outward, reviewing the latest industry buzz, brainstorming seasonal content opportunities, and analyzing your top competitors’ content offerings for opportunities for one-upmanship.

De-Stress Your Work Life with a Content Workflow Template

Missed deadlines, lost emails, and slow approvals are the nemesis of content marketing leaders worldwide. However, with our content workflow builder template, you’ll have a clear, concise outline that lets everyone know what they need to do and when they need to complete each task.

And, with a content platform that lets your teams communicate on the same platform where they plan, create, and publish their content, you’ll never need to worry about chronic issues with missed deadlines, complex email threads, or incomplete topic coverage again. With transparency and clear guidelines comes accountability — and that’s what transforms your workflow into a smoothly running machine.

Our template leads you through reviewing your current workflows for each type of task, step by step. Then, we provide you with an easy-to-use worksheet where you can document the content workflow for each type of content you produce.

Identify Opportunities for Improvement with a Content Audit Template

Without concrete goals, content audits can quickly degenerate into busywork. Having a content audit template allows you to organize the process and customize it to your company’s exact needs.

With a content audit template, you can classify each piece of content by format, category, keywords, target audience, buyer stage, and other key characteristics. It also can keep track of how each piece of content performed and include notes on when and how to update each piece to better meet your goals.

You also should include explanations of each classification category to ensure accurate results. And, when you pair your audit organization scheme with a content platform that can conduct an audit in mere seconds, you can see at a glance what you need to tweak to ensure better content performance — and do it more often.

Nail Web Content Creation with a Website Content Template

DivvyHQ's Killer Website Copy Template

Why many larger companies spend tons of money on identifying their target customer segments and SEO wizardry to catch those customers’ attention yet miss the mark on their website content is beyond me. Their static content focuses on themselves — not the customers they worked so hard to identify.

Your corporate website can be different. When you use our website content template, you start with the most crucial aspect of web content creation: your customers’ and prospects’ needs — and how your company can meet them.

Yes, even your “About Us” page. Your company’s founders started their business to meet your customers’ needs. How your company meets those needs should take center stage in your storyline.

Our content template gets you on the right track even during the content planning process, starting with questions that help your creatives zero in on what matters to your customers — what’s in it for them.

We start with a simple outline that begins with a prompt to write a headline that includes the keyword(s) your prospects will search for and the main benefit they’ll get by reading the page.

Next, we direct your teams to write a first paragraph that catches your audience’s attention and states the one thing you want them to understand, along with a call-to-action link. Remember, if your introductory paragraph convinces them that your company can solve their problems, they might want to learn more without even reading on.

We follow those introductory parts with a clearly organized structure, prompting content creators to use sub-headlines that focus on the main benefits your company can provide to them. Additionally, the template guides your teams to organize your page with an H1 heading and several H2 headings, making it easy for both readers and search engines to find the information they need.

The template also includes tips on including bulleted lists and imagery that add visual context to your content. The template finishes with a prompt to include a bolded, clear call to action that directs readers to take the next step in their customer journey.

Get a Blog Post Template That Helps You Connect with Your Audience

Blog posts are your company’s chance to demonstrate your expertise in your field and establish you as a helpful resource for your customers and prospects. With a blog post template that streamlines and organizes the creative process, your teams will crank out more quality content than ever before.

Starting with questions that guide the planning process for your writers, this template helps them focus their topic research with a question, “What question are you trying to answer, or what problem are you trying to solve?” Not only does this pre-writing process focus them on the topic, but more importantly, it gives them a customer-focused angle to guide their thought process.

Similar to the website content template regarding content organization and visual appeal, the template guides the writers through the creation process. However, the blog template adds a focus keyword, meta description, and short excerpt to the mix, helping the writers optimize the page for searches and making it easier to post links to the post on social media.

Finally, for those companies who are already using DivvyHQ’s content marketing platform, the template instructs your creatives to remember to add metadata to the content item for ease in finding, filtering, and analyzing the data on the piece.

Two Bonus Templates Help You Turn Customers into Brand Ambassadors

We’ve also included two bonus templates — a customer testimonial template and a customer survey template — to give your customers a voice and shore up your research. These tools will help you identify challenges your customers face, better personalize your content, and add volumes to the trust your customers place in your work.

With these seven content marketing templates, your teams will increase their productivity while churning out better-targeted content that positions your company as the leader in its field. But, you can only get them for a limited time. Order your content marketing templates today for only $20 – and watch your content perform at its best!

Get DivvyHQ's Content Marketing Template Pack NOW!

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