10 Project Management Tasks That Divvy Can Manage For You

The content marketing process contains so many moving parts. Staying on top of them is critical in achieving your company’s marketing and budget goals.

Yet, poor project management wastes an average of 11.4% of the company’s resources for any project.

We know that most enterprise businesses have project management software. However, these programs are often cumbersome and duplicate marketing and content management processes.

At Divvy, we’re all about simplifying the complex wherever possible. When we built our software, streamlining content and project management into one platform was a logical design choice. Here are 10 of the most important project management tasks we can help you with.

1. Align Your Teams

Small organizations may only have a handful of staff involved in the marketing process. However, enterprise companies usually involve content operations with multiple teams, often within different organizational sectors.

Coordinating team efforts can be a monumental feat — unless you use Divvy. Anyone who needs access to a project has it when you use software that creates a central hub, placing all the tools and information into a single digital ecosystem.

2. Document and Communicate Your Strategy

A content strategy is at the heart of any successful content marketing project. Your strategy is your team’s playbook, providing a framework for the what, when, why, and how of content marketing. According to a Content Marketing Institute study of B2B companies, 73% say having a formal strategy maintains team focus on content objectives.

Our content strategy builder simplifies project management tasks associated with strategy development. We also ensure your team remains on the same page, keeping your strategy at the center of the content production process and giving it a home on the Divvy dashboard.

Marketers with successful content use content strategies. Divvy’s project management tasks include a content strategy builder.

Image Source: SEMRush

3. Plan Content

After you develop a strategy, your team needs to decide how to implement it. Content planning is the partner to your strategy, and you need both for effective and efficient content marketing.

Our content planning tool provides structure and organization in the planning process, helping your team move smoothly from ideation to publication.

4. Schedule Content

Content marketing often involves producing large volumes of content across multiple channels. Standard calendars and spreadsheets can quickly become an unmanageable and confusing nightmare.

With our content calendar, you can move from a big-picture view that includes all scheduled content to filtered schedules that show only the dates and deadlines you wish to see. Our robust architecture also allows your team to identify where content is in the process and who is responsible for each given task, simplifying these project management tasks for you and saving you from countless headaches. You’re welcome. 😉

DivvyHQ calendar interface

5. Create Production Workflows

Production workflows on Divvy’s platform keep a project organized, increase visibility, and improve efficiency. Use our workflow builder template to create your own production process template or to draft a custom workflow for a unique project.

We also have workflow automation tools, allowing you to automate task assignments and production schedules. Like you, we appreciate artificial intelligence when it frees team members from performing mundane tasks.

55% of marketing managers worry about time wasted on mundane tasks. Divvy can automate mundane project management tasks.

Image Source: Tempo

6. Establish Deadlines

While your production workflow creates a process framework, you often need to zoom out and check on resource availability before setting deadlines for a given asset. Here again, Divvy’s calendar structure comes to the rescue.

You won’t need to shuffle through multiple calendars or emails to determine what team members are working on and where other assets are in the content lifecycle. Simply consult your Divvy calendar.

Staying on top of the people involved in multiple projects and campaigns is often one of the most challenging project management tasks. If you need to know which members on specific teams are already busy at work on other content, add a filter to your calendar. When delays occur, you can easily edit your deadlines, which updates the calendar in real time.

7. Assign Tasks

Whether you want to automate task assignments or manually distribute tasks across the content lifecycle, Divvy can help you do it efficiently. Everyone with access to the dashboard will know who is responsible for which component of the production process.

DivvyHQ Workflow Builder
Screenshot: DivvyHQ Workflow Builder

8. Monitor Progress

While we’d all love it if the content production process flowed smoothly and predictably from beginning to end, we know assets often get hung up and bogged down somewhere along the way. Keeping up with content as it progresses is one of the most critical project management tasks for maintaining a positive return on investment for your content marketing.

Notifications and alerts tell you when someone misses a deadline or needs help with some task component. Plus, when team members finish a task, they mark it as done, so you know when an asset moves up the production process.

9. Communicate With and Between Team Members

Communication using traditional options is often disorganized and discontinuous. Emails, texts, and voicemails get lost, overlooked, or forgotten. Coordinating meetings is a hassle, even with the now-common virtual meeting tools.

Divvy removes communication roadblocks. Collaboration is simple when you have a centralized hub with strong communications features. Whether multiple staff work together on drafting, reviewing, and editing an asset, or you need to notify a team member that a revision is needed, our platform provides the communication tools you need all in one place.

10. Track and Analyze Performance

One of the more challenging project management tasks is performance reporting and content analytics. With Divvy, we make tracking team performance and monitoring content performance a breeze. Our platform allows you to establish key performance indicators, aggregate data from multiple sources, and generate easy-to-understand reports you can share with your C-suite and other stakeholders.

When it’s time to perform a content audit, our platform and templates help you quickly pull the data you need. You get a clear picture of your content’s performance, allowing you to shift gears and update your strategies as needed.

Simplify Project Management Tasks With Divvy

Unlike standard project management software, we understand exactly what content operations teams need to move content through the production process efficiently. Project management tasks and content production cycles are tightly intertwined, so you shouldn’t have to work between two systems to accomplish your goals.

With Divvy, you don’t have to. We put everything you need in one place. Request a demo to see what efficient content marketing project management looks like.

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