7 Ways to Automate Your Blog Content Creation

With the high volume of content that enterprise teams need to pump out every month, CMOs need to squeeze value out of every second that creatives spend on their tasks. So, if you can find ways to automate blog content creation while maintaining quality, it’s well worth your time to learn about them.

We’re about to simplify your life.

Automate Blog Ideation with AI

Anyone who has used an AI-powered grammar checker or translator (Google Translate fails, I’m looking at you) knows that occasionally, the thing spits out something asinine. So, using artificial intelligence for the entire writing process might not be so…er…intelligent.

Although artificial intelligence (AI) can’t write posts with the nuanced prose of an experienced writer, it can help with one nagging challenge all writers face: writer’s block. Instead of retreating to your happy place to get the creative juices going again, give yourself a jumpstart with AI-suggested topics.

Today’s AI tools can analyze current SEO trends, news articles, and new industry developments to suggest new topics. Others, like Semrush, can “look” at your competitors’ content to see if there’s anything they’re covering that your content lacks. Or, they can analyze content your target audience is reading for topic ideas.

AI-driven keyword planning tools, too, can provide you with ideas that can nudge your brain into high gear. So, instead of using them only to optimize for search, put them to use to suggest new topics as well.

While we do believe in the value of human-to-human content collaboration, AI can be a helpful addition to your collaborative arsenal. When you see it as a partner rather than a contributor, using it can help you save time your teams might have wasted in brooding over their lack of inspiration.

Use Voice-to-Text Software to Automate Blog Content Creation

While you still have to contribute the brainpower, voice-to-text software, such as Dragon, can speed up the content creation process quite a bit. If speaking is a writer’s preferred mode of communication, using speech-to-text tools will help them compose their thoughts with more clarity and speed.

However, some people think better while typing – so it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution.

The technology isn’t infallible, though. Be sure to check for spots where the software didn’t quite understand what you spoke. Otherwise, you could end up with nonsense – or worse.

Use Predictive Technology to Suggest Segment-Targeted Content

Content analytics isn’t only for looking at past performance. Combined with predictive technology, it can suggest types of content that will appeal to various audience segments and drive them toward conversion.

For instance, if your data shows that millennial males – one of your key audience segments – prefer watching videos to reading blog posts, predictive technology can suggest that you create video blog posts for them rather than text-based ones.

This kind of technology can also provide you with the optimum times and channels to post on and give you a heads-up when their preferences change. And, it can provide you with insights on the types of calls to action that drive each audience segment to convert.

Use Natural Language Generation to Create Rough Drafts

Using a natural language generation platform like Wordsmith to create rough drafts of blog posts from spreadsheet data can certainly save time during the content creation process. These content automation tools can transform the data on the spreadsheet into numerically accurate, readable copy.

Then, your content teams can edit the machine-produced text to create a more compelling read. Since most writers go through at least one draft before they produce the final copy, saving this step allows them to spend more time perfecting each post.

Put Automated Content Audit Tools to Work

You might not remember, but that great blog post that created so much buzz back in 2012 is probably still hanging around in digital limbo. Using an automated content audit tool, you can find that post and other past top performers to update them for today’s times.

That’s not all you can do with these posts. You can repurpose them as another type of content.

Transform blog posts into videos and videos into podcasts. Expand top blog posts into white papers or ebooks. Get the most mileage out of your past content as possible.

It’s not only your top performers that you can reuse. Identify what factors caused underperformers to struggle. If they’re redeemable, renovate them into content that will produce results.

Purge posts that would take too much time to revamp. If you think they might furnish seeds of inspiration for future posts, store them in a content repository so that writers can leaf through them when they’re stumped for ideas.

Automate and Amplify Blog Posts on Social Media

After you publish your blog posts, use automated content distribution tools to amplify their reach on social media. Include a short intro, an image, and a link to the actual blog post itself.

Time these posts to reach audience segments at the optimum time in various time zones. Using your social media platforms’ targeting tools, boost their reach among your target customer segments.

Align All Phases of Blog Production on a Single Platform

We’ve discovered that one of the biggest corporate time-wasters is a cobbled-together content workflow. One tool for ideation, another for creation, and yet another for analytics. And so on.

Automating all content-related tasks on a single content marketing platform can revolutionize your blog production in all its many phases – from ideation to publication to analyzing the results. With DivvyHQ, you can automate all your teams’ routine tasks – it’s a one-stop-shop for content production of all types.

Here’s the best part. You can try it for free for 14 days. If yours is like most content teams, you’ll wonder how you ever got by without it. Get started now!

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