How to Write Copy That Converts: 9 Secrets Revealed

It feels like a conundrum: 41% of social media users think brands are overly promotional, yet 75% of B2B content marketers say sales is an organizational content marketing goal. Another 83% prioritize lead generation, and 74% strive for lead nurturing.

As content marketers, we know conversions boost our return on investment and justify our reason for being. However, we walk a fine line.

We need conversions, but if we get too promotional, we risk scaring away the consumers we hope to attract.

The good news is that people want to consume content, and once you develop your copywriting chops, walking that fine line isn’t as hard as you might think. Dive into how to write copy that converts.

Why You Need To Know How To Write Copy That Converts

Conversion copy is persuasive writing, but not in that salesy way that makes most of us squeamish (which won’t likely give you the results you seek). The goal of persuasive copy is to get your target audience to take a specific action. It could be making a purchase, but it might also be:

  • Subscribing to your email list
  • Completing a survey
  • Sharing a post
  • Making a phone call

Though you ultimately want to land a sale, you can use conversion copy to move buyers step by step through their journey from the top of the funnel to the bottom.

For 75% of B2B marketers, sales is a content marketing goal, which learning how to write copy that converts helps achieve.


Divvy’s platform provides the tools to plan, ideate, and create content for each audience segment, buyer’s stage, and content strategy goal.

When you learn to write copy that converts, your writing will have focus and purpose. You’ll also generate value for your audience, leading to new prospects, customers, and brand loyalists.

What You Can Do To Write Successful Conversion Copy

For many of us, search engine optimization drives our content marketing. However, Google quickly catches onto SEO tactics and continuously adjusts algorithms to generate results wanted by users, not brands.

Google’s latest helpful content update is only the most recent example. Instead of writing for SEO rankings, conversion copywriting focuses on appealing to your audience.


You don’t want readers to simply click a link to your page. You want them to stick around to the end of your copy and then take action. Here are nine secrets for how to write copy that converts.

1. Understand Your Audience

We know this first secret isn’t really one, but it is the key to marketing, content, or otherwise. You can’t write persuasive copy unless you know your audience well.

Take time to understand what makes them tick. Sure, you need to know their pain points and where they are on the buyer’s journey, but it also helps to identify values, beliefs, and world views. This knowledge supports your appeals to their emotions, needs, and desires.

2. Know Your Goal

Before you craft a word, know your goal. What do you want readers to do after they finish?

Be clear about this goal, as it will drive the information you put on the page. Also, note the singular: Choose only one desired outcome.

Our analytics tools help you understand what’s working and adjust your strategy for what isn’t. You can evaluate the data from every channel you use from your analytics dashboard, eliminating the frustration of aggregating data from multiple platforms.

3. Grab Attention With Your Headline

Though persuasive writing aims to keep readers on the page and compel them to act when they’re finished reading, you do need to get them to open the page in the first place.

Whether writing a blog post or product description, your headline should entice your audience. Write a catchy title, headline, or email subject line. However, it can’t just be clever; it also needs to speak to what readers can expect if they click the link or open the email.

4. Be Direct in the Intro

Your intro should reaffirm to your audience that they’re in the right place. No need to beat around the bush with a lengthy introduction that doesn’t tell your audience what they’ll get from the rest of the article.

In a few sentences, you can let readers know why they should continue reading.

5. Treat Your Copy Like a Conversation

Part of knowing how to write copy that converts is learning how to engage with your audience. Think of your copy as a conversation:

  • Use language they can relate to.
  • Keep it simple.
  • Avoid the jargon.
  • Show empathy.
  • Use first- and second-person pronouns.

You can be confident and direct without talking over their heads.

6. Focus on Value

Even if you want readers to purchase a product or service, you don’t want to focus on what you’re selling. Instead, center your copy on the value your brand provides.

How can you help them solve an issue, answer a question, or meet a need?

39% of those regularly sharing content do so to inform others of products or brands, a benefit of writing copy that converts.

Source: 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Report

7. Format for Your Readers

Today’s content consumers skim more than savor. Writing copy that converts entails formatting with your reader in mind.

Use headlines, subheadings, numbered lists, and bullet points. It’s also best to make your paragraphs short and preserve the white space on the page.

Divvy’s editor allows your creatives to craft, editors to edit, and reviewers to approve content inside the system. You can also include a style guide to keep everyone on the same page with conversion copy.

8. Craft a Compelling Call to Action

Just as you need to start your copy with a bang, you need to finish just as strong. Craft a compelling call to action that tells readers precisely what you want them to do.

9. Leverage Technology

Technology can help you do almost every step faster. You can use AI content generators, such as Writer, to give you a list of headlines, email subject lines, and CTAs. They can also provide an outline with headers to give your writer direction.

Divvy’s platform integrates with writing technologies that make crafting conversion copy easier. Our automated workflow tools streamline the content production process, allowing you to build a custom workflow specifically for persuasive copy.

How To Write Copy That Converts With Divvy

Divvy simplifies the content production process. Our platform provides a central hub for collaboration, planning, publishing, and analyzing your team’s persuasive content. When you’re ready to write copy that converts, request a demo to see how we can help.

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