7 Tweaks That Will Improve Your Content for Customer Experience

Large content marketing teams often get so caught up in reviewing their content analytics data and making small tweaks to achieve better search results (insert keyword here, beta-test H1 there), that they forget to improve their visitors’ experience once they arrive on-site.

While we’re the first ones to argue in favor of leveraging data to optimize things, we highly recommend that you focus your revamp on content that improves your customer experience (CX). Here are seven tips to help you get a CX-focused list of content tweaks in the works.

1. Leverage Video Content and Visuals to Catch Their Attention

There’s little benefit in getting people to your site if they bounce after a few minutes of reading your yawnfest of a blog. Since 90 percent of your audience’s brain is wired for visual processing, it’s a no-brainer (see what I did there 😉) to add some images or videos to your posts, as Australian web design company eTraffic points out.

Since, as Oberlo’s Maryam Mohsin points out, 54 percent of the world’s consumers want to see more video posts from brands they support, it makes sense to repurpose some of your blog posts as videos. Furthermore, since video marketing yields 66 percent more leads than other content formats, you’d deprive your company of 66 percent more potential business if you neglected video.

In addition, as Shep Hyken advises in his Forbes post, you should consider adding videos to your email newsletters to extend your company’s reach to people who have already engaged enough with your content. After all, they like your content enough to become subscribers. Drive them further down their customer journey with intriguing, information-packed videos. And, for people at the very top-of-the-funnel, try informative, helpful content on your home page to hook them in.

2. Collaborate with Your UX and Design Teams to Deliver a Stellar Experience

If your audience can’t find what they need because your design isn’t intuitive enough, they’ll get frustrated and go elsewhere. Our own Danka Jankovic has a simple cure. Get out of your silo and put your UX and design teams to work to revamp your design.

Content collaboration doesn’t have to end with these teams. When you include your development and engineering teams in content development, you can provide deeper levels of information to potential customers. Building trust in your expertise will create a relationship with your enterprise, deepening customers’ connection with your company.

3. Focus on Your Audience and Their Needs

When you personalize your content to your target customers, it’s easy to weed out ideas that take you out of your zone. A content marketing platform that allows you to compare your ideas to your buyer personas’ needs, can make the process oh-so-much simpler.

Using SEO as a tool to create customer-focused content, as opposed to an end in itself, can help you get where you want to go when it comes to creating content that gives your audience a seamless, personalized experience.

To increase the likelihood of potential customers landing on your site, remember to create content that answers your customers’ questions. Pair up with your sales and other customer-facing teams to get a feel for what they’re asking. Not only will this target your content better to your likely customers, but it will also make it more mobile-friendly, given mobile’s propensity for natural language searches.

4. Use Text Messaging to Guide Your Audiences to Mobile-Friendly Content

Instead of over-emailing your audience, occasionally mix it up with a text message or two, as Content Marketing Institute’s Lisa Beets advises. Since 52 percent of online traffic is mobile-driven, and 75 percent of those users expect to get information immediately, indulge them. Link your text messages to posts with small, actionable chunks of information that they can: act on, interact with, or submit their names and email addresses through in exchange for a longer piece with more detailed information.

5. Send Prospects Content Targeted to Their Stage in the Customer Journey

Instead of drowning your prospects with content that doesn’t interest them, create segmented email lists. When you have a piece of content you want to send, determine what buyer stage it’s most appropriate for, and only send it to those who are likely in that stage.

For example, someone at the top-of-the-funnel wants content that makes them aware of your company and how it can meet their needs. Prospects further along in their customer journeys want more detailed information that builds trust in your expertise and helpfulness. The more focus on customer needs and the less overwhelm, the better the customer experience.

6. Insert Calls to Action Above the Fold

Yes, we know. Your content is compelling, irresistible, and they’ll read it through to the end because you’ve used subheadings, videos, and other visuals to keep their interest.

But sometimes people just don’t have the time to read your post all the way through. They might be at work, in the middle of something, or have an important phone call they need to take. Put a call to action early on in your post, inviting them to send the post immediately to their inbox.

It only takes them a few seconds, and you’ll (bonus!) have their email address for any needed follow-ups. And, if you don’t use a no-reply address to send it from, they can provide valuable comments, questions, and feedback to take your business relationship to the next level.

7. Finally, Use Emotion in Your Content

We’ve heard all the excuses for avoiding storytelling options in content. “We’re a B2B company. Our customers don’t want that kind of nonsense.” Or, the popular “We make parts for X. How can you tell a story about a part you can’t even see?”


Research shows that at least half of B2B buyers will be more likely to buy your products if they feel an emotional connection to your company. Other studies point out that people are 22 times more likely to remember details if they’re contained in a story. That fact doesn’t change just because they’ve put on a suit and gone to work.

Secondly, if you just use a wee bit of imagination, you can think up a story about how a part you can’t see saved someone’s life – or their business. Brands have done that for years.

And the emotional hook – priceless. Whether it’s a good cry, a hearty laugh, or a heartwarming Hallmark-worthy moment, there’s nothing like a story to provide a great customer experience. If you don’t believe me, look at Netflix’s numbers. People pay for good stories. All you’re asking for is their attention.

You and your team don’t have to go it alone. When you have a one-stop-shop content platform like DivvyHQ, you can collaborate on new ideas and upcoming campaigns, create content for customer experience, and track its progress through robust analytics. For your no-obligation DivvyHQ test drive, start your free trial today.

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