Revolutionizing Content Workflows: A Strategic Guide for Marketing Managers

High-performing marketing managers have a tight grip on their daily workflow. They strategize their calendar based on upcoming projects and are rarely caught off guard by collaborators who are behind schedule.

However, these top-notch marketing pros don’t rely on sticky notes and notepads to keep track of their clients and content in their heads. They make strategic use of high-tech workflow software that helps them keep tabs on content generation, data analytics, and brand outreach.

If you’re a busy marketer, investing in content workflow technology can streamline your operations and help you manage your team. This is particularly important today, as more of your peers choose to work from home and rely on remote technology to organize their projects and create content.

Here’s more on some of the specific benefits that a content-centric workflow platform can bring to your content operations.

Sharing Data

Data analytics is the backbone of modern marketing. An effective data analytics strategy can help you leapfrog the competition and supercharge your team’s performance. However, many marketing managers fail to use content workflow management software that enhances data use.

You can empower your team with data by giving them access to the tools they need. Workflow management software employs dashboards that feature key insights related to productivity, content strategy alignment, and performance. These high-tech platforms draw directly from a variety of marketing and customer data sources, meaning you can dig into data on the same platform that you use to ideate and develop strategies for future campaigns and projects.

DivvyHQ Analytics

DivvyHQ Analytics – Dashboard Example

When looking for a workflow management tool, look for software that integrates with your wider tech stack. This ensures that you can import data and automate some of your data analytics. You can also survey your staff to find out how exactly they use data to inform future planning. You may even find that many team members keep tabs on their projects via their mobile devices, meaning you should invest in a platform that has a mobile app or a mobile-friendly user experience.

Agile Project Management

Agility is key in the digital age. An agile marketing approach ensures that your content remains relevant, even when consumer preferences suddenly shift. However, many busy marketing managers haven’t made the switch to agile project management tools and still rely on laborious, traditional workflow trackers.

Assess your project needs before switching to an agile project management style. If you find that most of your projects require real-time collaboration, involve experimental products, and flexible budgets, then an agile approach is right for you.

If you do switch to agile project management, you must invest in real-time workflow tools that can display the status of projects and tasks at any given time. Agile projects rely heavily on transparency, as everyone needs to know how a project is progressing. This will make your two-week sprints more effective and will build buy-in among your team.

Enhancing Collaboration

Effective collaboration can maximize your team’s productivity and give you time to refocus on your wider strategy. However, you may find that long meetings and dense emails derail your workflow and undermine your performance.

As a marketing manager, lead the way by using real-time, interactive content calendars. Using high-tech content calendars can save you hours every week, as you won’t need to ask your writing team for frequent updates. Instead, all the information is in front of you and is freely available 24/7.

Bolster morale among your marketing team by making your department a haven for creative employees. Content creators need to feel supported in their role, or they will avoid taking risks. If you find that folks are hesitant to push their comfort zone, encourage them to spend time outside of their silo. This will help creative employees generate new ideas and help your team stay up to date with the latest content collaboration workflow trends.

AI Integration

AI has changed the marketing game forever. AI can increase your team’s productivity, improve your data analytics program, and decrease the risk of human error in your content workflow. Fortunately, many of the most popular workflow tools today already feature AI capabilities.

Writer integration with DivvyHQ

Writer AI integrated within DivvyHQ

If you’re new to AI, start by using a content workflow and collaboration program that suits your team’s needs. Then you can start exploring the efficiencies that come from automation features like:

  • Generating topic ideas
  • Researching topics
  • Producing effective titles and subject lines
  • Creating outline
  • Summarizing key ideas
  • Writing draft content
  • Grammar checking and style recommendations

Double down on your AI integration by choosing a content management system (CMS) that automates some of your workflow. For example, if you like to nurture highly qualified leads with emails, you can set up your CMS to send personalized messages to folks on your mailing list. This will save you time and guard against human error. Automated programs can’t forget to send emails and can be set to repeat certain functions on a weekly or monthly basis.


Content workflow management tools can remove distractions and improve productivity. High-tech tools automate mundane, repetitive tasks and give your team a chance to focus on creative tasks that add real value to your firm.

After rolling out new tools, use your data collection strategy to compare your recent content’s performance to pre-existing levels. Continue to tweak your workflow as you grow accustomed to the new tech and pay close attention to updates. This will help you take advantage of cutting-edge software, like DivvyHQ, and ensure that your team remains competitive in the long term.

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