Overcome Blank-Page Syndrome with This Template for Killer Web Copy

 In Content Marketing, Content Marketing Toolbox, Search Engine Optimization, Tips & How-Tos

For any creator, a blank page can be agonizing, even when drafting something as deceptively simple as your site’s “About” section. As such, a good web copy template can be extremely handy.

As author Jomny Sun points out, “Creativity needs constraint. When the constraints get tighter, you will find more opportunities to be creative!”

In other words, an open-ended template that provides pre-set structure and organization can hone your focus and set you in the right direction. Learn how templates can help unleash your full creativity and which one to use.

Key Takeaways:

  • Use our Killer Web Copy Template to remove writer’s block and produce great web pages.
  • Identify your goal and the target audience before writing the first word.
  • Simplicity is essential for grabbing and holding attention, so don’t try to put everything on one page.

Why You Need a Web Copy Template

When you have nothing in front of you but a blindingly white document and a blinking vertical line, the uncertainty can leave you paralyzed. A slew of mind-numbing questions rush the brain:

  • How should I start?
  • Where am I going?
  • What do I need to cover?
  • What should I eat for lunch?

(The mind does begin to wander in these stressful situations, after all.)

Of course, templates have inherent dangers. They could encourage too much conformity and sameness. However, they are not always the enemies of creativity.

A solid web copy template allows you to overcome the dreaded “blank-page syndrome” that leaves you spinning your wheels at the starting gate. That’s why many successful creators find templates to be an indispensable part of the content planning process, and so can you.

Our Favorite Web Copy Template

DivvyHQ offers a free and effective killer web copy template for content teams.

Back in 2011, we introduced our Killer Web Copy Template. It has become one of our most popular free resources for content managers at DivvyHQ. As a result, we refreshed and updated this asset to ensure it aligns with what works in the modern digital environment.

If you want a simple and effective way to create a killer web page every time, download it today!

Elements of Effective Webpage Copy

You need to know how to use the tool to get the most out of it. Specific variables will change depending on your brand, your website layout, and your objectives. Still, the following staples for creating impactful web copy are virtually universal and essential.

(Of course, we cover these in our Killer Web Copy Template.)


Before you start writing, you can establish momentum by getting in the right mindset and strategically thinking through a few questions. Start by remembering that your content should always be about your customers and not so much about you.

The key to getting readers to finally make a purchase is creating content that they see themselves in. Your pages must make them feel like you’re a kindred spirit helping them reach their goals.

Your web copy template gets you on the right foot with a few key questions:

  • What is the goal of the page?
  • Who is the target audience, and what phase of the buying cycle are they in?
  • What broader topic clusters do you need to cover for that audience?
  • Which keywords or phrases achieve peak SEO?

With the answers, you can start crafting great web pages.

DivvyHQ's Content Marketing Template Pack - Download it Now!

Content Structure

With a glut of information out there, people want digestible copy that gets to the point quickly. We built our web page template to help you create pages that have the readily accessible information people want. Structure your text with the following points in mind.

Scannability and Readability

Eye-tracking studies and other research indicate that users often follow an F-shaped pattern as they peruse a new webpage. So, avoid putting big chunks of text toward the bottom of the page if you can.

Also, stay as close as you can to an 8th-grade reading level. Even educated audiences view clear and simple wording as high-quality content with a greater impact.

That means you can’t say everything about who you are on every page. A little mystery is good anyway, because you want them to click on something to learn more.

Active Voice

Active sentences tend to be more concise and make your message clearer. Use grammar editing tools like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor to identify and eliminate passive voice.

Consistent Messaging

Your web pages should reflect a single consistent voice that shows off your brand’s personality. Even with a single, proven web page template, this is difficult when multiple parties collaborate on content creation.

Use a content operations platform that simplifies collaboration and helps you maintain consistency.

A Simple Navigation Bar

Don’t get too cute with the wording in your navigation bar. Readers will leave if they have difficulty figuring out how to get around your site, so keep it fairly straightforward.

Compelling Headlines

Your heading should clearly identify your subject and the benefit your content provides. Action words, emotional language, a sense of urgency, and numbers hook readers and get clicks. Plus, don’t forget to include your keywords for SEO!

Customer-Inspired Word Choice

When filling out your web page template, borrow language from customer reviews, social media, and testimonials. They’re already showing you what they think of you and where you’re having the greatest impact. Fortunately, you can use AI tools to scan for which text is sticking.

Visual Context

Provide useful images and videos that communicate the right message. Avoid tossing in stock photos just to have a picture on the page. Imagery should directly contribute to your objective.

Calls to Action

Besides buttons that ask for a purchase or appointment, drop in a few other CTAs for those who aren’t that far in the funnel. Tell them where to click to educate themselves on things they want to know (your blog or video library). Also, provide a few lead magnets (courses and downloads).

Look at how Lytho nails it all below on their About page… Ok, we might be a little biased.

Lytho's About Us page is a great example of how to use a web copy template for a concise and impactful page.

Source: Lytho About Us Page

Postgame Follow-up

Never push content live until you’re certain that it includes everything for optimal performance. That’s why our web page template includes a post-writing checklist that you can review and complete before publishing.

To that end, rely on great editors to make sure you’re meeting your goals. Whether you have someone in-house or you outsource it, schedule room on your content calendar to include a review by a second set of eyes.

A Simple Efficiency for Stellar Creation

You can maximize the impact of your team’s creativity by developing a sustainable system for efficiently producing the work. This keeps you from sacrificing excellence and supplies a solid and repeatable foundation.

At DivvyHQ, we’re all about these types of simple efficiencies that streamline operations for a content team. If that sounds helpful to you, go ahead and grab our Killer Web Copy Template.

If you’re looking to take your entire content creation to the next level, we’d love an opportunity to walk you through a quick demo of our content operations platform. It will take the stress and confusion out of the content planning and creation process.

Book a DivvyHQ Demo

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