My “NEW” Favorite Content Marketing Video Could Save Your Life

 In Content Marketing

Ok… I just watched a video on Facebook, had a little cry based on my own guilt, and quickly realized that I need to put the previously scheduled “My Favorite Content Marketing Video” weekly post on hold. This video is more important. Sorry Michael Brenner.

The cast of the reality Youtube series @SummerBreak partnered with AT&T’s “It Can Wait” campaign in an exclusive video for Teen Vogue to ask teens whether or not they use their phones while driving. AT&T’s campaign has been running for a while now and, over the last year, they’ve ramped up partnerships and their social media presence.  I’m intrigued to think about the campaign pitch that AT&T’s agency, BBDO, must have given, which revolved around a message of “don’t use our product/service right now because you might kill someone.”

I can’t really explain why past messaging and the myriad of videos that AT&T has published haven’t sunk in like this one has. But it did. There are no good excuses. It can wait.

Thanks for the gut check AT&T.

Series Recap

At the end of each post, we’ll provide a recap list of all videos in the series.

A new favorite video post will be published every Friday until we run out of video submissions. If you’re reading this and have a favorite video that we should consider for the series, please submit it via our contact form and tell us why it was so valuable to you.

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